Drinking Water Test
Royal Biotech possesses 2 kinds of microbiological survey detection tools.
- Royal qPCR Drinking Water Test Kits w/ Reader
- AOT device with MBS method
1. Advantages of Royal qPCR Drinking Water Test Kits
*Reliable & Stable: qPCR can accurately detect the most challenging pathogen strains while eliminating cross-talk reactivity.

*Fast: qPCR delivers results within 2 hours (usually 30 mins.)
*Efficient: Purification is efficient and fast. The obtained DNA performs well in downstream analysis with high signal-to noise ratios.
*Sensitivity: Highly sensitive pathogen detection even in the most difficult food matrices. 1-10 target copies in a reaction. Detection Limits of few pathogen 100 copies/mL.
*Specificity: qPCR can be used to maximize specificity
*Ready-to-use: Easy and reliable sample preparation. Can even be used on DNA extracted from low-count samples
*Simple Protocol: Protocols are simple and can be automated for high sample numbers (16 Samples) following the steps of Sample Preparation, qPCR Assays, Assays setup and detection
Brochure royal-dm-qpcr-kits
Manual of Rapid Test_Giardia_Cassette – 17
Catalogues/Reagents ( 48 or 96 tests/each box ) :
Total Coliforms, Thermotolerant Coliforms
Cryptosporidium Tyzzer
Operating Environment:
Temperature : 4–50 C
Humidity : 20-90% (non -condensing)
If you need more details, please contact us or our local dealers.
2, AOT -MBS™ method
Coliforms are naturally present in the environment as well as feces; fecal coliforms and E. coli only come from human and animal fecal waste. We offer quantitative or semi-quantitative microbiological analysis for the industries of environmental protection and water quality detection
Specification of AOT™
Quantitative Analysis
-quantitative analysis with All One Test™
– Three easy steps to obtain the test results
– Without any technical training
-2 to 5 Fold Faster than Traditional Analysis
High Sensitive & High Selective
-Down to the theoretical limit of just 1 viable microbial cell present in the sample
-Up to the experimental limit of 99.999% with respect to other bacterial species
Safely Dispose of the Used Vials
-The same as expired drugs
All One Test Reader (AOT)™

Test of Aerobic bacteria or TVC (Total Viable Cells),
Total Coliforms,
Thermotolerant Coliforms,
The protocols for water sampling are different in different Countries and for different water sources.
For example:
http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/dwq-guidelines-4/en/ WHO
https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/316769/MoDW-2-232.pdf UK
http://www.ceaeq.gouv.qc.ca/documents/publications/echantillonnage/piscines_bassins_en.htm Canada
Easy Guide – Qualitative Analysis of Surface water ,Portable Water with Vial Lab
Scope and Application of Water Test with AOT